Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Missed Blogathon?

Its been a while since I have blogged. And what is the reason for that you may ask. I have loads of lame excuses to give. No Time, I am doing my MBA or I utilize my time better doing more productive work or some crap like that. But to be honest there are no excuses. Its just plain sloth. So what do I blog about I am wondering. So much has happened over the past one year, I dont know where to start and where to end? What to include and what to leave out? Its all such a blur.

Do I talk about the zillion tests I have given and how I have managed to scrape through the first year of my post graduation? Do I talk about birthday celebrations and the crazy life in the hostel that I am seeing for the first time in my life? Do I talk about Acad groups and assignments? Do I talk about reading case studies till 3 in the morning and then going for a cup of Horlicks and bland maggi. Do I talk about 3 crazy days in Lonavala in all the rain and slush? Do I talk about the Geeta, Swamijis and horrible loos? Do i talk about the one many army called Baba Amte and his vision? Do I talk about the Guild of actors @ SP? Of Kamala, Jai singh, rehearsals, lights and action? Do I talk about Placcom, MFOI and the control room? Do I talk about the magic of ADMAP, the Nanavathi hospital and the six thinking hats? Do I talk about my nirvana and an event called Bhavitva, the stage and CEOs sitting on it? Do I talk about managed float exchange rates, Maslows hierarchy, capital budgeting or buzz marketing? Do i talk about the Mumbai rains? Do i talk about the NCPA and the Marine drive? Do i talk about Lokhandwala and Infinity mall? Do i talk about Vrindi and hot vadas? Do i talk about Andheri Sports Complex and advance booking? Do I talk about the many brilliant movies I have managed to watch or do I talk about the magic of IP messenger? Do I talk about the tonnes of new friends I have made? Do I talk about highs and lows, the pains and the pleasures? Do i talk about what the past gave me or what the future holds? Do I talk about ........ I rather shut up!


Anonymous said...

Gr8 to see a new blog after a really loooong time :)
N neah! Dont shut bt all those topics n more..Am sure there r lots of us waiting to read it all :)

GoGo's Katta said...

don't shut up....speak up, its a cool breeze in a dersert where there is dearth of words, good writings...
start scribbling, flow wud follow automatically that wud take care of u need not worry as from where to start...
waiting to read....

Whencutdeep said...

i rant therefore i am....
go ahead...spill out on blogosphere...the world awaits!

Anonymous said...

One piece of advice....
NEVER EVER shut up :D